
Guarlford Village

Parish Magazines


Village sign

The Grapevine

Latest issue

Grapevine June/July 2024 edition

(Link opens pdf document in a new window)


Archived copies can be found listed below


Cora Weaver


The original Grapevine was a printed parish magazine founded by Rev David Martin in the 1980s and distributed free of charge to every home in the villages of Guarlford, Madresfield and Newland. The magazine was funded by donations and advertising revenue.

The October/November 2022 edition was the last printed edition by well known local historian Cora Weaver who had edited the Grapevine for 20 years.

On-line edition

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and rising costs the magazine was published on-line in colour with a limited number of paper copies supplied to those without Internet access. Cora stood down as editor of the Grapevine in January 2023 but no-one stepped forward to take over.


Cora has now produced an on-line only version of the Grapevine in glorious colour. She would like this ‘new’ Grapevine to be a community asset and would welcome notices, requests, offers, articles etc.


Please feel free to circulate the magazine among your friends and neighbours.

How to place information in the Grapevine

Contributors are asked to send any necessary amendments, advertisements and articles, preferably by email, to Cora using the contact information in the Grapevine.


At present you can find the Grapevine on the Guarlford website.


Plans are also being considered for distributing copies by email.


Further details to come

Archive of on-line editions

Click to open the pdf documents below in new window (file size up to 14 Mbytes).


Grapevine April/May 2024 edition


Grapevine February/March 2024 edition


Grapevine November/December 2023 edition (revised)


Grapevine October/November 2022 edition


Grapevine August/September 2022 Platinum Jubilee edition


Grapevine June/July 2022 edition


Grapevine April/May 2022 edition


Grapevine February/March 2022 edition


Grapevine December 2021/January 2022 edition


Grapevine October/November 2021 edition


Grapevine August/September  2021 edition


Grapevine June/July 2021 edition


Grapevine April/May 2021 edition


Grapevine February/March 2021 edition


Grapevine December 2020/January 2021 edition


Grapevine October/November 2020 edition


Grapevine Special Lockdown edition June/July 2020

Powick Parish Magazine

Guarlford is part of the Old Hills Benefice which includes the Parish of Powick.

Voice of the Villages was a printed Community magazine, produced by the Parochial Church Council, for the villages and surrounding areas of Powick and Callow End. Regrettably Voice of the Villages has ceased publication but archived copies can still be found on the Benefice website under the 'Links' tab.

Click to go to Benefice Links page and archived Powick magazines


The role of the Powick parish magazine has been partly taken over by the free local newspaper The Powick Times.

Click for Powick Times newspapers link

Cattle near Grove House Farm

Cattle grazing near Grove House Farm

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